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We Moved:
Sunday, October 17

View the Video on Facebook

 Watch as the building is moved from its location on Main and Santiam, down the street, across the railroad tracks and on to it's new home.

This is the route they took:

Move Map

Here are the details:


Our mover, Emmert International,  met on site for a safety meeting at 7:00 am. The move process started shortly afterwards. It  took them 1-2 hours to move the building into position on the street and then 3-4 hours to get down Santiam, over the railroad tracks and out of the street. After that, they paused for the day. This saved further labor costs, due to the Sunday work.


The Cumberland was moved across the corner of the ReStore property to  its new home on Pine & Santiam. It was rotated into final position by winch.

Video clips are available on Facebook


The foundation is completed and the building has been set in place. Temporary electricity is connected and now restoration can begin in earnest!


Moving Day 
completed on Monday, October 18 2021

( But you can still help!)

Albany Cumberland Community Events Center
Every Dollar Counts
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world." 
          ~Margaret Mead
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