Jody is Fearless!
by Emma Eaton
Jody is there to answer the call for help.
It could be a child who has potential without means to further their education, a crumbling building, a friend who needs a reason to laugh. . .
She boldly gets involved when she sees an opportunity to make lives better. Albany has been her home for 53 years. Jody and Randy lived in their 1885 English Queen Anne in the Hackleman District while they pursued their careers and raised their family. During that time they also restored five other historic buildings! "If it is old, falling down and especially needing a paint job, it is our jam," she says.
Thirty nine of those years Jody taught elementary students in the Albany School District and she made learning fun.
Jody cares about education. She continues to sponsor Albany Public Schools Foundation scholarships, championing high school students with potential who have limited means to continue their education after graduation.
Her past work includes
Original member of the Historic Home Tour Committee with Lynda Cook and Roz Clark Keeney
Historic Landmarks Commission
Budget Committee, City of Albany
Albany Visitors Association Board Chair
Albany Public Schools Foundation member
Jody is our newest Cumberland Community Events Center board member. She is also a monthly donor! I am honored to introduce her, but I doubt she needs any introduction to most of you.
One of Jody's current projects is repurposing the Cumberland church to become a thriving Community Events Center. She has worked with Miller Paint to secure a donation and other discounts that will move us forward with restoration and listing on the historic register.
"If it is old, falling down and especially needing a paint job, it is our jam."
We are thankful for her significant donations toward the future Cumberland Community Event Center - a tribute to her community involvement! She is always willing to share the work and is a significant cheerleader on this journey. Oh! she also bakes a mean peanut butter, chocolate chip cookie to bring to meetings. We get a boost of added energy and enjoyment from those, along with her enthusiastic input.